Today I am just relating stories as it have become emotional for me. Let me set the scene. I am on the couch across from my father in his over stuffed leather chair while he is watching a show on TV. To me it is just background noise, his hearing becoming worse it is all the way to the hilt. Something funny came across even I smiled however I watched my father smile and attempt to clap his hands. I stared at him for several minutes as this is something he has done his entire life when laughing, don't ask why it just is what it is. He kept looking at his hands attempting to move them, but he could not figure out how to do it. Suddenly his focus was on his hands and not the TV, tears welled in my eyes although none fell I am stronger than that.
I got his attention, "That was funny as all get out wasn't it daddy?" I began to slowly clap my hands so he could watch me. I noticed he began to mimic what I was doing his clap went from hesitant to a hearty laugh and again he was clapping hard yet tears were streaming down his face. We did not talk about it we moved on. This is one moment in one day as I watch his fine motor skills deteriorate.
ALZ is an evil, stealing all your moments that you will never have leaving destruction in its wake.
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